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Floppy Drive
Floppy Drive

Floppy Drive

Samuel Spencer ¥15.00 0.00 2024-02-27

"EN" 4+ 2021-07-27T07:00:00Z 工具软件开发工具


Floppy Drive介绍

Save anything as a file from anywhere on your Mac. Anywhere there's a \"Share\" button, you'll be able to save that content as a file. Anywhere you can right-click / control-click and select \"Share\" you'll be able to save that content as a file.

Choose your save format, destination, and file name. Files save quickly to your Mac.

Highlight and save snippets of text.?

Quickly download and save images and videos from apps and the web.

Save links or full webpages with just a few clicks.

You get the idea: if you can see it / hear it / watch it / click it, you can save it.

PS. The name of the app is a humble nod to the early days of computing when everything was stored on big, beautiful floppy disks / floppy drives. :).


Floppy Drive截图

  • Floppy Drive截图1
  • Floppy Drive截图2
  • Floppy Drive截图3
  • 工具


